Wednesday, 23 March 2016

What Is Rooting?

Posted by Yorubadev

You may have heard your friends talking about rooting their android devices, or you see it all over the internet. You may have wanted to use an application on your phone and you are told that you need root access in order to use the app. So you may be wondering, What Is Root? Don’t worry, this post is here to give you information about rooting.
So what is rooting?

Simply put, rooting is the process of obtaining advanced control over your device which you don’t normally have without rooting
. There are so many things that Android Phone OEMs(Phone Manufacturers) bundle along with their brands that we users don’t want. For example, Flash Share app that comes with most android phones.
                   Must Read: How To Root Any Android Phone

When people install Xender, which is a faster and better alternative, they feel don’t need flash share again since both apps do the same work. Since flash share is a system app, they find out it can’t be uninstalled. This is where rooting comes in. With root access, you can uninstall anything you want, even the Bluetooth or Settings app. Therefore, rooting gives you the power to do what the phone manufacturer says is impossible. It helps you overcome the limitations put on your phone by the manufacturer.

                 Related: The Benefits Of Rooting Your Device

There are so many things that can be done with a rooted device, from flashing custom ROMs, kernels, boot images, custom recoveries to totally personalizing your status bar, adding navigation buttons, changing fonts, changing colours, app theming, browsing unlimited almost for free…The list is endless.
So, if you’re still out there with am unrooted phone, you may want to start thinking about rooting your device. So, how can I root my phone? Stay updated


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