Monday, 28 March 2016

How To Stop MTN From Deducting Your Credit When Data Is Exhausted

Posted by Yorubadev
It is a common problem among all MTN subscribers that when one is browsing and the mb suddenly finishes without us knowing, MTN
 starts removing our credit immediately and this could cause all our credit to be removed, because of the PAYU system adopted by MTN which is very costly.
Mtn Cheats

 I also had this problem constantly and then one day, I decided that it was enough. I couldn't allow them to be deducting my credit which is meant for calls and not browsing. I went into deep research and finally came up with a solution which I'm going to share with you.

                   Read Also: Latest mtn musicplus settings for free browsing April 2015  

So how do I stop this credit deduction?

On your MTN line, simply dial this code *131*201#. You will receive a message saying You hace successfully activated data suspension... Congrats. The problem is solved now. So whenever your mb finishes while you are browsing without you knowing it, your data access will simply be cut off and your credit won't bee deducted. In case you want to re-activate the normal settings that MTN will deduct your credit for browsing when your mb is exhausted, dial this code *131*200#. The settings will be reset and you'll be able to browse with your credit.

So what do you think about this trick? Drop your comments below.


  1. Why is mtn deducting my money when browsing when I still have 1.6gb I tired the code *131*201* to stop it but it not working out please help me on here I want it to stop asap and how Can I talk to one of there customers care agent

    1. Well I Hope this post I will shear with you helps! This how I finally stop MTN from deducting my money when browsing and after exhausting my subscription. and any other funny activity on your MTN line by simply dialing this simple code.

      Read more:


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